
Microsoft PhotoDNA

Microsoft, the investigations of child sexual abuse, identify and recover more quickly in order to provide the victims of the law uygulayacılarının NetClean PhotoDNA technology developed by Microsoft has announced to offer the service of law enforcement worldwide.
With PhotoDNA application for the Internet can be considered as a milestone in the fight against abusers, as well as completely eliminate this problem and convert it into the internet world that would allow child abusers could not hide in a safe environment.

PhotoDNA was developed in collaboration with Microsoft Research and Dartmouth, to find copies of the same image to a digital image similar to fingerprints, signatures and images that make up a unique signature technology that can be compared to an image matching.

Which helps to speed up investigations, and rescue the ability of supply to identify the victims as quickly as possible by strengthening the law enforcement PhotoDNAücretsiz service that provides clean streets are istismarcılarından children.

Director of Public Affairs and Corporate Social Responsibility Program of Microsoft Turkey Erdem Erkul related to the subject, "So far we organized in several cities in Turkey" in the Information Society Family Seminars "provide information on children and their parents use the Internet safely. NetClean worldwide announcement of the partnership with our efforts to protect children and added a new one to be proud of us. "Said

How will the service of law enforcement PhotoDNA?

NetClean Analyze: PhotoDNA is a free technology that is used by law enforcement in many countries, which are offered through a new version of Analyze'ın NetClean.

The new version also, where appropriate, to establish a connection between NetClean Analyze and support the Child Exploitation Tracking System includes the functionality.

Child Exploitation Tracking System: PhotoDNA for the investigations of child abuse is a global law enforcement cooperation program supported by Microsoft technology, combined with the ÇİİZ.

Child Exploitation Tracking System to follow suspects and hundreds of police agencies at the same time helping to eliminate duplication of organizations to follow the clues, collect evidence and make more effective to create a case against suspected child istismarcılarına enables.

ÇİİZ currently in Australia, Brazil, Belgium, Canada, Italy, United Kingdom and the United States is used by police agencies.

Direct Licensing: PhotoDNA, source code to be able to consolidate itself with the necessary technical capacity and resources directly licensed for use by some police departments.

For example, the Netherlands Institute of Forensic Medicine and New Zealand Internal Affairs are most BakanlığıPhotoDNA licensed source code.

All about child abuse and cybercrime on the Internet bilgilerehttp :/ / www.microsoft.com / dcu, visit, or through Facebook and Twitter you can follow Microsoft Digital Crime Unit.

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